
Clarity reposted...

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act... George Orwell

Talk of islam as a whole and its history of jihad terrorism and dhimmi repression is out of bounds, the issues central to islam's incompatibility with modernity come down to dhimmitude and jihad, yet these islamic institutions are ignored and virtually never discussed creating an ignorant bliss of hope in reforming this insidious ideology. The fog of political correctness is shrouding differences, obscuring significance and clouding debate. The silencing keep the apostates and critics of islam out in the cold allowing the jihad and dhimmitude unheeded, unexplored, and undebated to our detriment. Remember when President Bush in the wake of 9/11 began his 'islam is peace' offensive? The willful ignorance of the jihad ideology that has driven islam's history is tantamount to suicide. An ideology embraced by as many as 1.2 billion people worldwide contains within it the seeds of this evil jihad and dhimmitude we see all around the world requires the right conditions to germinate. Wherever muslims are living in proximity with non-muslims someone is getting shot, bombed, burned alive, stoned to death, forcibly converted, ethnically cleansed, uprooted, jailed or otherwise persecuted. Ignoring it will not make it go away. The rationalization usually offered is that a small but energetic group of fanatics have grossly distorted the tenets of their religion to wreck bloody mayhem. Islam which is the “religion of peace” according to President Bush has become a headache to the whole world including the sane muslims. Out of about 167 terrorist organizations in the world, 164 are islamic. Out of 30 conflicts that are on-going in the world today, 28 are directly related to islam. We have to discuss strategies by which we can defeat this doctrine of jihad and dhimmitude. The whole world should be made aware of what islam truly is. Islam is as much a danger as the ignorance about it to the future of humanity...