
Land of the free Endorses Barbarism...

In a controversial change to a longstanding policy concerning the practice of female circumcision in some African and Asian cultures, the American Academy of Pediatrics is suggesting that American doctors be given permission to perform a ceremonial pinprick or “nick” on girls from these cultures if it would keep their families from sending them overseas for the full circumcision. Continue...


Ben said...

Any Muslim who would spend thousands of dollars to travel to Africa to get their girl mutilated would be unlikely to be satisfied with a mere nick. Examine the specification of Islamic law from Reliance of the Traveller.

E4.3: Circumcision Is Obligatory

Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women. For men it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce (Ar. bazr) of the clitoris (n: not the clitoris itself, as some mistakenly assert). (A: Hanbalis hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory but sunna, while Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband.)

stormishadows said...

Abu-Dawud Book 41, No. 5251: Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.

Hadith in the Musnad by Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, where Shaddad Ibn Aws reports that the prophet said:
"Cicumcision is a sunnah for Men, MAKRUMAH for women"
(MAKRUMAH can be translated as "noble deed" or "honorable")