Season Greetings...
And Mumbai revisited...
Disturbing photographs made available HERE by police sources indicate that several of the guests at the Taj Mahal Hotel during the siege of November 26 were sexually humiliated by the terrorists and then shot dead. Humiliated??? That is, these sadistic animals ripped, bludgeoned and systematically mutilated the genitalia of their victims before killing them.
Police sources confirm that even as the terrorists were engaged in a fierce combat with NSG commandos, they were brutalizing their hostages before ending their terrifying ordeal. That is, inflicting the most heinous acts imaginable on defenseless people was their main objective before shooting it out with police.
Photographs taken by a police forensic team after the hotel was sanitized yield a bloody gruesome picture of some of the guests. Once again islam exhibits a mindset belonging to primitive savages, for people to behave in such a callous and definitively sadistic manner can only be attributed to the thoroughly indoctrinated and devout muslim...
Depraved Absurdities...
When the boy-next-door from her youth suddenly reappeared and proposed, she thought her long-forgotten dreams of marriage were about to be fulfilled.
But Iran's laws require a father to give permission before a daughter can marry... Link.
Here's a quote from Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of the OIC...
"islam, fourteen centuries ago, established an exemplary code for human rights. The major objective of this code is to confer on all human beings dignity and honor, and to eliminate injustice, oppression and exploitation. Human rights in islam are firmly rooted in the equality among all mankind, transcending all considerations of place, color language and social status. These rights are part and parcel of the teaching of islam that no ruler, government, assembly or authority can alter, curtail or violate in any way. Moreover theses rights go long way in line with the contemporary concepts of human rights."
Choudary calls for apartheid...
“In an islamic state, Non-muslims will have to wear a sign to show what they are – it should say Kaffir. We won’t discriminate on height, race or appearance but we will discriminate on faith.” Earlier, Bakri spoke via videophone from Lebanon. One of Choudary’s henchmen at islam4UK, which has close links to banned group al-Muhajiroun, warned: “You will know when the muslims have ignited an insurrection when there is blood on the streets of London and New York like there is blood on the streets of Fallujah and Mumbai.”
...muslim hypocrisy knows no bounds...
10th DEC...
The all inclusive lawyer Anjem Choudary is on a roll claiming Christmas was the 'pathway to hell' and urged his followers to boycott it.
Let us have a discussion about Eid where these savages annually take great joy in cutting the animals throat but not enough to kill it but enabling it to bleed to death only. Or how their disgusting holy book sanctions wife beating or even honor killing and women of the enemy can be raped? What about the fact their prophet was nothing more than criminally insane whose warped imagination created a paradise/heaven/life after death with a multitude of perpetual virgins with rivers of wine (how's that for hypocrisy?), honey and milk? This miscreant Choudary is a muslim community leader, his ideology does not belong in the 20th century. I know, we're in the 21st century...
Clarity reposted...
Talk of islam as a whole and its history of jihad terrorism and dhimmi repression is out of bounds, the issues central to islam's incompatibility with modernity come down to dhimmitude and jihad, yet these islamic institutions are ignored and virtually never discussed creating an ignorant bliss of hope in reforming this insidious ideology. The fog of political correctness is shrouding differences, obscuring significance and clouding debate. The silencing keep the apostates and critics of islam out in the cold allowing the jihad and dhimmitude unheeded, unexplored, and undebated to our detriment. Remember when President Bush in the wake of 9/11 began his 'islam is peace' offensive? The willful ignorance of the jihad ideology that has driven islam's history is tantamount to suicide. An ideology embraced by as many as 1.2 billion people worldwide contains within it the seeds of this evil jihad and dhimmitude we see all around the world requires the right conditions to germinate. Wherever muslims are living in proximity with non-muslims someone is getting shot, bombed, burned alive, stoned to death, forcibly converted, ethnically cleansed, uprooted, jailed or otherwise persecuted. Ignoring it will not make it go away. The rationalization usually offered is that a small but energetic group of fanatics have grossly distorted the tenets of their religion to wreck bloody mayhem. Islam which is the “religion of peace” according to President Bush has become a headache to the whole world including the sane muslims. Out of about 167 terrorist organizations in the world, 164 are islamic. Out of 30 conflicts that are on-going in the world today, 28 are directly related to islam. We have to discuss strategies by which we can defeat this doctrine of jihad and dhimmitude. The whole world should be made aware of what islam truly is. Islam is as much a danger as the ignorance about it to the future of humanity...
A muslim judge in Pakistan rules in favour of a group of muslims who kidnapped and forcefully converted two Christian sisters to islam. The two girls aged 10 and 13 were kidnapped June 26th. The judge of the district of Muzaffargarh, Mian Muhammad Naeem ruled in favour of the criminals who kidnapped the children, stating that the Christian sisters “have converted in a legitimate manner to islam”. Because of this the children cannot go home to their family.
The girl’s conversion and supposed validity by the judge also invokes another key islamic law – death for apostasy. Should the girls go back to their family and continue with their Christian faith they would, according to islamic law, be imprisoned or executed.
This news from the land of the despot prophet is more than random muslim criminality, this depraved behavior of kidnapping children and converting them by force to islam is sanctioned by muslim standards and law. If the free world continues to contemplate sharia law then it will embolden the fanatics and this will one day happen in our own backyards...
Update: The struggle naturally continues. The father of the girls, Younis Masih, filed an appeal to the high court where a muslim lawyer Rashid Rehman pleaded his case. The court did not believe that the girls accepted islam by their own free will; therefore the girls were sent to a 'darul aman' in order to be relieved of pressure on the part of muslims. The girls will again appear in court on Aug. 4 and then the case will be decided according to the girls' statement...
August 20th; The custody battle remained inconclusive after a hearing today, judge Malek Saeed Ejaz of the Lahore High Court’s Multan Branch set the next hearing for September 9th. Details.
Update: Judge Malak Saeed Ejaz has given Aneela back to her family, because she is only 10 years old. Saba who is 13 years old as shown by official documents is declared over 16 years old thanks to 'expert testimony' and so her return to her parents is denied.
Dec. 18th. Judge Malik Saeed Ejaz places new financial and social pressure on the captors of Saba. He ordered the girl’s husband, Amjad Ali, to pay a dowry of 100,000 rupees (US$1,275) and allow her parents visitation rights, two actions required by Pakistani marriage protocol. Kidnapping Infidels in the muslim-majority nation of 170 million is not uncommon.
Feb. 27th 09 The judiciary is one thing, the police are another...
muslim flies...
This Egyptian advert is more of an indictment on muslim men and their lack of self-control, than it is on women who have no choice but to cover up in a muslim society, because there's no self-restraint amongst the men. They're free to swarm...
Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An islamic mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear head scarves are "asking for rape." The message is the same as that of Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, who in 2006 outraged Australians by comparing un-veiled women to uncovered meat. The number of rapes committed by muslim immigrants in Western nations are so extremely high that it is difficult to view them only as random acts of individuals. It resembles warfare. Mohammad himself had forced sex (rape) with several of his slave girls/concubines. This is perfectly allowed, it's in the quran. It stands to reason, many of the muslims in the West view themselves as a conquering army and that Western women are simply war booty, it all makes perfect sense and is in full accordance with islamic law...
If we look at the West during the past thousand years, we have generally enjoyed an unusually high degree of freedom and power sharing. This has been the case more in some periods and countries than in others, but in the big scheme of things this remains true. However, although this arrangement has been good for our civilization as a whole, some of our elites apparently are jealous of the more authoritarian system in other cultures. They want to turn the West into a "normal," meaning more corrupt and less free, civilization, aided by the forces of globalization. We are witnessing rising nepotism, and perhaps those at the top desire this.
The political elites no longer believe in stupid things such as borders, cultures and national sovereignty. Islam upsets their world-view, so they ignore it and move on with their project of globalization, anyway. The most hardcore Leftists actively side with Islam because its hatred of the West and its concept of a global umma coincide with their own globalist outlook. Yes, I know that Socrates stated "I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world," but I don't think he meant it quite as literally as Western elites do now. Socrates didn't have an entire village of Muslims transplanted to his street during the space of a single generation, and he didn't have his daughters or female relatives raped by Muslims in his own country.
Our traditional freedoms were the result of a specific culture, developed over centuries of hard struggles. Maybe other cultures have to go through similar struggles of their own to achieve this, and some will perhaps never be able to do so. We should protect our freedoms at home before we try to export them, and we should protect them by preserving the European-derived culture which created them.
Our enemies, internal and external, want to destroy the Western world because we represent liberty, and they want to destroy Britain in particular because it gave birth to the most powerful pro-liberty culture within the Western tradition. I hope the British can regain their strength and throw off their traitor class, but they need to do so soon. We cannot allow the greatest nation in human history to be destroyed by the planet's most barbaric cultures. The British people, like their Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish and Danish counterparts, have every right to desire self-determination and self-preservation, and limit or even completely halt immigration as they see fit to ensure this. Those who say otherwise are evil, and need to be exposed as such. The Western world is under attack by a global Islamic Jihad. To support continued mass immigration of Muslims in this situation should be regarded as high treason, and punished as such... HERE.
Oslo police recently released its 2007 Rape Report. The report shows a marked increase in Somali rapists. Here.
Ahmadinejad: The Hidden Imam Runs The World. Here.
Afghan teacher killed after speech condemning suicide bombings. Here.
Father, "My daughter deserved to die for falling in love" Here.
Women banned from 'Women in the Work Force' forum. Here.
There's something parasitic about the way muslims exploit Western social mechanisms. We all know that islam teaches muslims to despise "Infidels" and especially Jews. They truly hate us, and expend great energy in devaluing and dehumanizing us. So when they observe the success of our "Infidel" society, and especially the success of Jews within our society, their notions of our dirtiness and our unworthiness in the eyes of their allah must truly wrangle. They sum it up to "image", as if our prowess and superiority could only be a matter of superficial appearances, nothing more. They observe the Jew successfully navigating in the "Infidel" West, and can only imagine his successes, since he is but worthless subhuman scum, can only be accounted for by manipulation of media propaganda, cleverly crafted "image" campaigns, and legal browbeating to legislate special protections through mechanisms like the various "anti-defamation" outfits which exist.
Being history's all-time plunderers and parasites, just like the original Arab vagabond who invented their heinous "cult", muslims have set about imitating what, in their fevered imaginations, constitutes the social mechanisms in the West which permit us to project that "image" of success and superiority which puts their abject failures in stark relief. Since (in their ruined minds) their islamic society is vastly superior to ours in every way, our successes can only be a clever illusion, a parlor trick of epic proportions.
The muslims cannot imagine or contemplate the truth of the situation. They have a society which offers nothing to the world but terrorism, totalitarian nightmares, human degradation, and misery. If not for the accident of oil, there's no doubt that the pan-islamic world today would be at or near the absolute bottom of human society. But the wealth which has flowed into their undeserving hands for the last 6-7 decades now funds the largest expansion of their islamic cancer since islam's inception nearly 1400 years ago. Today they spend vast sums to wage Jihad, to insinuate themselves into our society where they then set about the systematic subversion of our society. They actually lack imagination sufficient to contemplate the truth about their complete depravity, or to comprehend why our society is superior to theirs in every way. Islam forbids it. But islam's creed requires them to profess its superiority in every gesture, every expression, despite reality. For this reason they retain a just sufficient quantity of imagination to think that if they simply ape our social mechanisms, the ones which they construe as responsible for projecting our clever lies, then they too can accomplish all that we have done. Muslims can't handle the substance of the argument, but now hold vast hordes of cash to hire Madison Avenue to do their bidding and polish the turd of islam into a high gloss.
Has there ever been a more loutish, a more lazy, a more deluded society than theirs? Westerners fear angering muslims, fear enraging their hatred and fury, by simply pointing out their inferiority. But we will do much in winning against the muslim enemy by shattering his delusional and grandiose sense of self. Simply holding up a mirror, and revealing islam's depravity does make the muslim murderously angry, but it also rubs his filth in his face in a manner which will eventually destroy him through sheer humiliation and depression. JSLA...
Trojan Horse...
This past Friday, Yunis al-Astal, a leading Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament, declared on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV that "the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital," would soon be conquered by islam and Rome become an advance post for the islamic conquests, which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas.”
The islam hydra, with Saudi Arabia and the oil-money bloated Emirs and Sheiks of the Persian Gulf leading the sunni charge from one side and the ender-of-the-world bomb-seeking shiite of the islamic Republic of Iran with its proxies of Hamas, Lebanon Hezbollah and the Sadrists in Iraq closing from the other side will devour the free world.
Free people: are you listening? The horse that is radical islam has already bolted from the stable. The West, in its attempts to please everyone has let down its own people and we are heading for a disaster. Ask yourself this. Why are people so quick to denounce anything Christian, but would never, ever dare criticize islam? Because they are scared of the ramifications of what will happen to them when their remarks come to light...ask Salmon Rushdie all about free speech.
Disguised as religion, islam has penetrated the democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of theocracy and sharia. Islam’s multi-prong attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.
It is generally assumed that religion addresses issues of importance to daily life as well as matters that transcend it. Religion claims to exercise a civilizing influence by ordering the social life and promoting spirituality, as well as advancing an array of human virtues. Zoroaster, for instance, based his faith on the triad of goodly thoughts, goodly speech and goodly deeds. Moses framed the fundamentals of his faith in the Ten Commandments, and Jesus placed love at the core of his faith.
Yet, all is not well with religion. Purveyors of some religions advocate and promote ideas and practices that are harmful to the general well-being of mankind. It is imperative that a society institutes measures that guard against any and all organizations and ideologies, be they religious or otherwise that harms it.
As things stand now, our lives are governed by numerous boards at all levels of government, business, and community. All these boards are charged with the responsibility of looking after the welfare of the people they serve. The Food and Drug Administration, for instance, must pass on the safety and quality of the food we eat; the Aviation Safety Board works to ensure safe flights; a local school board strives to create the environment that best serves the education and safety needs of the pupils. Every community and business of any size is served by boards.
There are, however, no oversight boards that would check against things that contaminate the mind and present a clear threat of unraveling our democracy’s social compact as we know and cherish it. Shouldn’t these dangers to our beliefs and way of life be monitored and combated or should they be given a pass to work their damage?
Presently, America is faced with a formidable enemy in a Trojan horse called islam. This imminent danger makes it imperative to revisit the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and make the necessary changes to legally defeat islam’s subversion of the democratic system.
Muslims in Western democracies, most of them escapees of the misery of islamic countries, exhibit such incredible gall and audacity as to shamelessly demand that their benevolent hosts surrender their liberty and legalize and adopt the sharia in their societies.
The muslim presence in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden represents the tip of the sword of the islamists protruding from the Trojan horse.
Once sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule, not only on matters that concern muslims, but also those that may involve a muslim and Non-muslim. Under sharia, a muslim man married to a Non-muslim woman is able to divorce the woman at will and automatically have custody of the children.
America, with a long history of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. The dictionary supplies a sociologically useless definition for religion: “The expression of man’s belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe.” Just about anyone or any group under this definition can start a religion, and they indeed do—and some do so at significant costs to others.
Islam was birthed by primitives of some 1400 years ago and over time invaded much of the world at the point of the sword. Presently, islamists, with their treasuries flushed with petrodollars, are in a great position to realize their perennial dream of bringing the world under the rule sharia.
On the one hand, Pakistan is already a nuclear power and the islamic Republic of Iran aims to be one before very long. On the other hand, muslim governments and wealthy Sheiks are funding islamic schools, centers and front organizations in the West to work from within at the unraveling of the Non-islamic democratic systems. In a parallel attack, the “Legal islam” is exploiting every provision of the law in free societies to promote islam and silence its critics through expensive legal shenanigans.
Islam is incompatible with democracy and subversive of the way of life that blesses free nations. It is imperative that we fight islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism. It is, therefore, imperative that the Constitution be revisited in such a manner that it no longer grants a pass to any cult simply calling itself a religion.
Bluntly speaking, no one can be a faithful muslim and an American at the same time. As more and more muslims arrive in Non-islamic lands, as they reproduce like rabbits, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar muslim treasuries supply generous funds, muslims gather more power to undermine the democratic rule.
The hydra of islam is lashing out through its jihadists, sophisticated and well-funded lawyers, terrorist groups, and terror-sponsoring governments who have the bomb and those that are racing non-stop to acquire the ultimate weapon. There is no time to waste. Steadfastly confronting islam is the only way to defeat a fanatical enemy who does not believe in negotiation or compromise. For islam, it is winner take all. And the way that permissive, oblivious, and well-meaning free societies are reacting does not bode well for liberty.
Islam must be recognized for what it is: a Trojan horse carrying in its belly a fascist ideology that will assuredly slaughter all who stand for everything that is precious to free people...
United States — muslim 1.0% Australia — muslim 1.5% Canada — muslim 1.9% China — muslim 1%-2% Italy — muslim 1.5% Norway — muslim 1.8%
At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:
Denmark — muslim 2% Germany — muslim 3.7% United Kingdom — muslim 2. 7% Spain — muslim 4% Thailand — muslim 4.6%
From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
They will push for the introduction of halaal (clean by islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States).
France — muslim 8% Philippines — muslim 5% Sweden — muslim 5% Switzerland — muslim 4.3% The Netherlands — muslim 5.5% Trinidad & Tobago — muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the islamic Law. The ultimate goal of islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris — car-burnings). Any Non-muslim action that offends islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam — mohammed cartoons).
Guyana — muslim 10% India — muslim 13.4% Israel — muslim 16% Kenya — muslim 10% Russia — muslim 10-15%
After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia — muslim 32.8%
At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:
Bosnia — muslim 40% Chad — muslim 53.1% Lebanon — muslim 59.7%
From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:
Albania — muslim 70% Malaysia — muslim 60.4% Qatar — muslim 77.5% Sudan — muslim 70%
After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:
Bangladesh — muslim 83% Egypt — muslim 90% Gaza — muslim 98.7% Indonesia — muslim 86.1% Iran — muslim 98% Iraq — muslim 97% Jordan — muslim 92% Morocco — muslim 98.7% Pakistan — muslim 97% Palestine — muslim 99% Syria — muslim 90% Tajikistan — muslim 90% Turkey — muslim 99.8% United Arab Emirates — muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of “Dar-al-Salaam” — the islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a muslim:
Afghanistan — muslim 100% Saudi Arabia — muslim 100% Somalia — muslim 100% Yemen — muslim 99.9%
The facts remain, large-scale presence of muslims in the lands of the Infidels has led to a situation, for the Infidels, that is everywhere more unpleasant, more expensive, and more physically dangerous, than would be the case without such a large-scale presence...
Mohammad divided the world into two parts, those who have submitted and those yet to submit. He called these two parts the House of islam and the House of War, pronounced in Arabic "dar al-islam" and "dar al-harb."
Within 100 years of mohammad's death in A.D. 632, fundamental islamic caliphs, with cavalry armed with scimitar swords, subjugated vast areas of the world: Arabia, Persia, the Holy Land, North Africa, Spain, Southern France, Sicily, Central Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. In the next 1,000 years, muslims subdued Indonesia, Java, Borneo, Sumatra, the Byzantine Empire, the Balkans, Armenia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Moldova, Serbia and regions of China, Tibet, Bengal, Mongolia, India, Russia, Hungary and Poland. In 1529 and 1683, over 100,000 Turkish muslims attacked Vienna, Austria.
'World peace' in the West means peaceful coexistence, 'world peace' in islam means the world submitting to the will of allah and since there is no one theological body governing all of islam, faithful muslims have developed conflicting views. Hence the on going bloodshed in the muslim world.
Fundamental violent muslims think the rest of the world is submitting to allah now and feel it is islam's 'manifest destiny' to make it happen. They would just as soon fight moderate muslims, considering them backsliding from following the example of mohammad and the caliphs. Moderate muslims are hesitant to speak out against fundamental violent muslims, as occasionally one does and they are threatened, intimidated, forced to change their names for protection, have fatwas put on them and even killed.
So there could, in a sense, be three groups of muslims: a minority of fundamental violent ones, a majority of moderate ones who are afraid of the fundamental violent ones, and the courageous dead ones who were not afraid of the fundamental violent ones.
The West may be inadvertently fueling the problem by not understanding that fundamental muslims interpret their 'politeness' as weakness or even submission.
Saudi Arabia was pressured to revise its fundamental textbooks supplied to muslim schools around the world, including the U.S., because they contained intolerance. The Washington Post, May 21, 2006, published excerpts of these textbooks in an article "This is a Saudi textbook (after the intolerance was removed)":
4TH GRADE: "True belief means ... that you hate the polytheists and infidels."
5TH GRADE: "It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in Allah and His Prophet."
8TH GRADE: "The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus."
9TH GRADE: "It is part of Allah's wisdom that the struggle between the Muslim and the Jews should continue until the Hour [of Judgment]."
11TH GRADE: "Do not yield to Christians and Jews on a narrow road out of honor and respect."
One may have to read that last line again:
"DO NOT YIELD to Christians and Jews on a narrow road out of honor and respect." In other words, when a Christian or Jew thinks they are being polite by letting a muslim go first, the fundamental student is taught that they are simply acknowledging islam's superiority.
Thus the dhimmi dilemma:
If the West naively promotes tolerance of a belief system that does not promote tolerance, it is effectively promoting intolerance. If the West refuses to promote an intolerant belief system, it is accused of being intolerant.
So the question is: What goes through the mind of a moderate muslim, who thinks the world will submit to allah in the distant future, when he sees predominately Judeo-Christian nations going to great lengths to tolerate islam now?
As our actions are done in hopes that tolerance of islam will result in muslims being more tolerant of Non-muslims, an unintended consequence is emerging, namely, that these actions are actually radicalizing some moderate muslims by providing proof that the world is submitting to allah – not in the distant future – but right now before their eyes!
They become persuaded that their long-awaited desire of the Non-muslim world "dar al-harb" (House of War) becoming "dar al-islam" (House of Islam) is imminent.
islamic excitement can be understood in the context of honor or pride.
In a football analogy, if a team is dishonored by many seasons of poor performance, fans are humiliated, embarrassed and become passive. But if the team suddenly has a winning streak and is headed toward the playoffs, fans are filled with pride. They come out of the woodwork, put on the team's jerseys, fill stadiums, paint their bodies, mascots are lifted high, and when the opposing team fumbles, the cheering mob roars with enthusiasm. They become fanatics and radicalized.
In nature, when a fleeing antelope becomes exhausted, the pursuing lion charges harder.
Could it be the more the West exhibits hyper-tolerance, the more it turns some moderate muslims, who believe the world will submit to allah in the distant future, into fundamental violent muslims, who view this tolerance as evidence the world is submitting to allah now?
"Personal" tolerance in the West is rooted in Judeo-Christian concepts like "love your enemies" and "turn the other cheek," but Franklin D. Roosevelt warned regarding "national" tolerance in a Fireside Chat, Dec. 29, 1940:
"No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it."
The free world's continued introduction and import of a depraved alien culture demands extreme caution...
Most people in muslim and Western countries believe divisions between them are worsening and each side believes the other disrespects their culture, according to a poll released on Monday. The Gallup poll, published in a report on muslim-Western relations for the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos last week, reflects an alarmingly low level of optimism regarding dialogue between islam and the West. HERE
People are worried by immigration and a perceived islamic threat to their culture and are alarmed at the prospect of greater interaction with the muslim world. Most people surveyed believe that greater interaction between the muslim and Western worlds is a threat than a benefit.
Never before have we seen such a rapid introduction of this morbid culture. As a result, never have we been so vulnerable to the invasion of an alien oppressive culture which has caused harm to our prospects of diversity, to our economy, to our freedom, to our growth, and of course to our health.
The dangers needs to be expressed to the general public to avoid bringing in harmful medieval cultures that are stringently stuck in a pitch black age...
Honor killing is the cruelty committed by the family members, father, brothers, brother-in-laws, and in some cases sisters and mothers, the victim is always the daughter/sister or other blood related young women who gets murdered. Killers are always family members. Family honor is one of the core values of the muslim environment. Anything from speaking with an unrelated man, to rumored premarital loss of virginity, or an extra-marital affair, refusing forced marriages or even victims of rape can stain or destroy the family honor. Therefore, family members kill the victim in order to remove the stain or maintain and protect the honor of the family. The killers mainly defend their act of murder by referring to the quran and islam, they will say that they are merely following the directives set down in their islamic beliefs. These barbaric killings occur only to save the honor of the family, and not for any animosity or for wealth. The victims cry, beg for their life but the family members become merciless (out of their ethical prejudices and also religious burden of fear) and kill the victim. After killing family members usually mourn and cry for the victim but feel solace that they have done the right thing to save their family honor.
This kind of murder to save family honor has happened, is still happening, and will remain to happen only in the muslim family environment. Honor killings happen in muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Jordan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Somalia, Turkey, Iran and other south and central Asian countries where islam reigns supreme.
Muslim apologists and gullible or ignorant Westerners argue that honor killing is not islamic and it’s a tribal/cultural thing. This statement is utter bullshit and is another feeble attempt at taqiyya. It’s true that in pre-islamic culture this heinous honor killing of women did exist, likewise, many other uncivilized practices like stoning, flogging, beheading, slavery etc. also existed in the pre-islamic society. But islam has incorporate these inhumane/uncivilized practices which muslims now call allah’s laws. Had it been the tribal/cultural practice, honor killing would only exist amongst the Arabs. But honor killing does happen amongst the non-Arab muslims. Fact of the matter is, no Arab Christians, Jews or Bahai etc. practice this uncivilized act at all. Only muslims practice this heinous act with monotonous regularity... More