

Farahat Sa'id Al-Munji: "The prophet said that circumcision is obligatory for men, and is noble for women. This means that for the sake of her honor, a woman can be circumcised." "The Prophet said that the men go and wage Jihad for a year and girls should be circumcised so they can bear it for a whole year until the men return." The backward barbaric practices of the truly depraved...

Such intense hatred and violence is difficult for many of us to comprehend. Not so Hirsi Ali. Growing up in Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Kenya, she experienced multiple forms of cruelty and became, for a time, a devout believer in the radical brand of islam preached by the muslim brotherhood. She has now written Infidel, a book about her extraordinary geographical, spiritual and intellectual journey. For anyone who aspires to understand the global conflict now underway...

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